Matt Giaro – The New AI Lead Magnets
Attract New Email Subscribers On Autopilot (Without Creating A Single Piece Of Content)
A self-paced online course to help you create AI mini-tools to build your list on autopilot without writing a single line of code.
Dear Friend & Subscriber,
If you want to grow your email list…
But feel like your audience isn’t growing fast enough…
Then this page will show you a completely new way to attract email subscribers on autopilot every day without having to create content…
By using something I call “AI mini-tools.”
What You’ll Learn In The New AI Lead Magnets
Module 1: How To Find Winning AI Mini-Tool Ideas & Engineer Them For Massive List Growth
- The psychological trick on making people desperately want to subscribe to your emails almost 5 seconds after using your mini-tool (and how to ethically leverage this for massive list growth)
- 4 unusual Ways to find mini-tool ideas your competitors are completely overlooking
- The single most important question to ask before building any mini-tool (skip this and you’ll waste weeks creating something nobody will ever find)
- How to get free traffic to your mini-tools (even on a completely saturated market) Includes: the simple keyword strategy that took one of my mini-tools from page 4 to the top position on Google
- The ethical email capture strategy that builds instant rapport while capturing emails (without ever feeling pushy or manipulative)
- What never to include in your mini-tools if you want visitors to use them (this common feature drives away 90% of potential subscribers before they even enter their email)
- Better than intrusive pop-ups or ads: How to use strategic “curiosity gaps” that make visitors voluntarily hand over their email (and thank you for the privilege)
Module 2: Build Your Mini-Tool With Ai (Without Writing a Single Line Of Code)
- The exact 3 tools to use (2 of them are free, and one costs $15)… And how to set them up to be ready to build your first mini-tool in the next 10 minutes. (This alone will save you 10 hours of research)
- How to launch your AI mini-tool without writing a single line of code – even complete beginners are using this “copy & paste method” to attract hundreds of new email subscribers using AI mini-tools.
- The best Ai model to use for your mini-tools (hint: it’s not the most expansive one. In fact, it’s one of the cheapest models out there…)
- The AI Template that slashes development time from 10 hours to just 1 (while your competitors waste weeks coding from scratch)
- The truth behind AI tools that nobody is talking about – how complete beginners are building subscriber-generating tools in a single afternoon while experts waste weeks overthinking everything
- How to become your own developer in less than 30 minutes using plain conversational English
- How to make AI “prompt itself” to create a first amazing version of your mini-tool in less than 10 minutes
- Why beginners are actually at an advantage when creating AI mini-tools (and how their “keep it simple” approach is generating 3X more subscribers than complicated tools built by alleged “tech experts”)
Module 3: Publish Your Mini-Tool
- How to appear on Google Search Results in the next 7 days (even with a completely new website)
- The exact strategy to get your tool online, on your website, in less than 10 minutes.
- The exact step-by-step process to get your mini-tools under your own domain to build a strong personal brand
- The FREE (and blazing-fast) hosting provider you can use for all your mini-tools
- And much, much, more!
About Matt Giaro
Hi, I’m Matt Giaro
I help experts monetize their expertise through online content.
My content will help you streamline your content creation workflow so that you can:
- Earn More
- Work Less
- Have More Fun
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